Wednesday, January 15, 2014

keeping it simple

the third challenge (week 3) in my Planner was to make an
envelope (or use an envelope ), so I decided to keep
mine simple, I tend to overdo things and go to the
extreme, when simple is easiest.  I like the
way this one turned out.
This last page is the opposite side of the envelope and I
also decided to keep it simple, I need to clean it up a bit
and maybe in a few days, might add something else,
this is the kind of art that I like, stuff you can
go back to anytime, and add stuff.

I have got caught up on all my projects, that needed to be done, and
none I have going to try some 4x6 collage cards, they will be
turning up on the blog so stay tuned.


  1. Anonymous2:19 PM

    YACK! I'm completely behind. I saw a little thing about this project, but then couldn't find the link or site or whatever that showed you how to make your own. Did you make yours or did you buy the prepped one? I think it looks like so much fun. I already have three moleskins (why?) on my shelf so wanted to make it but ...need more info. Yours looks SO fun.

  2. what a great envelope!!

  3. I like the way each turned out!


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